Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Thinking Kingdom Podcast! We aim to engage our audience with Scripture through topical and exegetical discussion that will hopefully help us consider how we can apply the things presented in our walk with God in His kingdom. In this episode, the Hosts, Austin McCrickard, and Nate Miller introduce themselves and their work and highlight brotherhood resources that will benefit your study and walk with Christ! **Rules for the Romans: A Teacher's Commentary by Dan R. Owen, Ph.D. giveaway: Go to our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?...) and LIKE and SHARE this episode ** Dan Owen Teacher Commentaries: 1 & 2 Corinthians - https://www.amazon.com/Teachers-Comme... Hebrews - https://www.amazon.com/Teachers-Comme... Romans - https://www.amazon.com/Teachers-Comme... Truth for Today Commentary - https://www.resourcepublications.net Apologetics Press - https://apologeticspress.org GBN Authentic Christian - / theauthenticchristian Excel Still More - https://excelstillmore.net Conversations with Dan -
• Conversations With Dan Dan Owen -
/ @danowenpodcast Untied Podcast -
/ @excelstillmoreinc Excel Still More (Chris Emerson) - https://excelstillmore.life Radically Christian - https://www.radicallychristian.com Dear Church -
/ @dearchurch